FPSC Jobs 2025: Upcoming Vacancies in ASF, FIA, MOD, ANF, and FBR – Apply Now


The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) is set to release Advertisement No. 01/2025 on March 15, 2025, in print media. This advertisement will include multiple job vacancies in various government departments, including ASF, FIA, MOD, ANF, and FBR. Some key positions expected are Inspector and Assistant Director (AD) in FIA and ASF.

Important Update on FPSC Recruitment Policy

FPSC has changed its recruitment policy, and now tests will be conducted within 2-3 months after the advertisement is published. Previously, candidates had more time to prepare, but now the test schedule has been shortened. Therefore, aspirants should start their preparation immediately to secure a position.

Departments Offering Jobs in FPSC Advertisement No. 01/2025

The following departments are expected to have vacancies:

  1. Airport Security Force (ASF)
  2. Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF)
  3. Ministry of Defence (MOD)
  4. Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)
  5. Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)

How to Apply for FPSC Jobs 2025?

Interested candidates can apply online by following these steps:

  1. Visit FPSC’s Official Website

    • Go to www.fpsc.gov.pk after the advertisement is published.
    • .

Selection Process

  • Written Test: FPSC will conduct a MCQs-based test for initial screening.
  • Interview & Psychological Test: Shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews.
  • Final Selection: Based on test scores, interview performance, and merit, final candidates will be selected.

Final Advice

Since the test date is expected to be within 2-3 months, candidates must start their preparation now. Stay updated by regularly visiting www.fpsc.gov.pk for official announcements.

For more job updates, follow Express Careers Online .

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